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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
By Shelley Shroyer Photography
After 6 LONG weeks of quarantine and not being able to work due to Covid-19, I wondered if I would be a little "rusty" on my first high school senior photo shoot. BUT, not this day! This gal made my first day back at work like a DREAM DAY. I had such a great time working with this beauty that if the sun hadn't gone down, I would have just kept on going.
We started off this session is San Marcos. We pretty much had the run of the streets as most of the restaurants and stores were still closed. We then packed up after a few outfit changes and headed to Wimberely.
Lundon had asked me for a field of flowers and I really wanted this "Wild" natural feel of the Texas Wildflowers along with cactus. She was good with my idea so we trekked to this field as I was pulling up long stemmed flowers and handing them to her. The juant to the cactus was ...well.... a bit scary as I kept praying for no snake encounters! Although we heard some feral hogs in the distance, no snakes..no hogs came near. Thank goodness! It turned out perfectly and the end shot was the one I had envisioned in my head for days! Yay! And, yes...I wore a mask. We had Lysol, gloves and hand sanitizer at the session. It was a different way of operating for sure but we did our best to make everything work. And, the results were fabulous! WHS Class of 2020.